Like all the companies Monnoyeur, Aprolis is committed to six themes
We are proud of the support we extend to causes in which we believe and to which we are committed.
Our Group is actively involved in a Corporate Social Responsibility approach, which underscores our essential values in terms of ethics, environment and safety.
Sustainable development

The environment is a constant concern of our Group. Every day, we make efforts to reduce our environmental footprint by practical actions and by raising the awareness of our cooperators.
We encourage the virtuous behaviour of our employees and train them in eco-action, keeping them regularly informed on current subjects.
We strive to minimise our environmental impact by adhering to strict regulations on the sorting and disposal of all waste. On our premises, every type of waste is sorted: paper, plastic, glass, iron, oils, hazardous products and soiled products, all handled by approved methods. Our fleet of vehicles comprises exclusively the least polluting vehicles, limited to 100 g CO2/km and our cooperators regularly undergo eco-driving instruction.
Safety and well-being of company stakeholders (staff and clients)

Our Group has always been committed to a very strict risk prevention policy in terms of health and safety at work. With the focus on continually improving staff safety, the Group is committed to supplying the tools and conditions needed to allow work in total safety.
Safety, one of our essential values.
All our cooperators use personal protective equipment (PPE) designed for the specific risks of their trade. They are trained in safety standards and the use of tools to best-practice rules to avoid taking any risks. All necessary steps are taken to minimise accidents and their severity level. We implement accident prevention plans and make first-aid provisions for every situation representing a potential risk. Whenever an accident occurs, we carry out an investigation to understand the causes and consequences, to prevent it from being repeated.
We are proud of our results which come from the joint and constant efforts of all our cooperators.
Safety at work also means the health of our cooperators. Aprolis and Monnoyeur companies are committed to guaranteeing a safe, healthy and agreeable working environment and to developing well-being at work by initiatives designed to improve the balance between work and private life.
Business ethics

The Group's values and rules are brought together in our Ethics Charter. This must be followed by all the cooperators, whether they are employees or executives. Their scope of application is defined by Monnoyeur and its affiliates, which are committed to abiding by the laws and regulations.
Our charter mirrors the commitment of the Group to its cooperators and partners by underlining our essential values. It covers the following subjects: obeying laws and regulations, ethics and integrity in the pursuit of its activities, protection of assets, and respect for and protection of people.
Corporate skill sharing

Being very aware of its social and regional responsibility in economic life, Monnoyeur looked for a way to pass on its skills for the future in a way that would bring people together and relate to its own business in order to help young people in difficulty to return to active life by teaching them a trade.
It was natural for the Group to join forces with Apprentis d’Auteuil, a foundation more than a century old, with which it shares the same values: integrity, concern for vulnerable young people, friendship, transmission, of values, courage and perseverance. As part of a “professionalisation” contract, over periods of 19 months we accompany twenty or so young people to help them obtain a professional secondary level qualification as “Public Works Machine Mechanical Maintenance Technician”.
This year, Monnoyeur operational teams will be opening the doors to 18 new students in eight main workshops in France. Every day, these young people will be accompanied by the tutors and sponsors, assisted by the teaching teams at the Apprentis d’Auteuil foundation, and the instructor dedicated to this skill sharing programme, to give them the means and the desire to achieve a qualification equivalent to a vocational high school education certificate.
Out of the 2,275 hours of training needed, the young work-study apprentices will spend 45 weeks in our workshops, and 20 weeks in the theory training centre.
Company sponsorship

Art in immersion
Monnoyeur has made a three-year commitment to the Fondation CulturEspaces in order to participate in the roll out of art discovery teaching projects in which it is a priority for us to have as many staff members' children as possible benefit from it.
Restoring of the Grille Royale
In 2006, for the centenary anniversary of Monnoyeur, which has played a part in most major French construction projects in the twentieth century, it was decided to join the important Versailles château and estate restoration campaign undertaken by the Government, and more particularly to cover the financing of the restoration of the Grille Royale (the Royal Gate) as a company patronage scheme.
Gustave Roussy Foundation
Monnoyeur is one of the patrons of the Gustave Roussy Foundation, contributing directly to the fight against cancer in all its forms by supporting teams who have world-famous expertise. Every year, cancer in France affects 350,000 people, including 1800 children, causing 148,000 deaths. One in every two men and one in every three women will have to deal with cancer at least once in their life. To help in this public health battle, Gustave Roussy is deploying innovative research projects.
Diversity chart
Aprolis and all the companies Monnoyeur in France and internationally, backed by the values of the Group, are officially committed to encouraging diversity in their teams.
The Diversity Chart is designed to favour equal opportunity and diversity in all its components.
Man-woman equality index
For several years, Aprolis has been committed to the balance between the work life and personal life of each cooperator, equal treatment of women and men, in recruitment, training, pay, promotion and equal opportunity, combating stereotypes and respecting difference.
Aprolis is eligible for the five indicators of the woman-man equality index resulting from the law of 5 September 2018 “for freedom to choose one’s working future”:
- pay differences between women and men
- pay rise differences between women and men
- promotion distribution differences between women and men
- percentage of female employees receiving pay rises after maternity
- parity between women and men among the 10 highest paid jobs, on 10 points
Aprolis has achieved a score of 83/100 for the 2024 financial year and is committed to monitoring and guaranteeing equality between men and women within its company.
To this end, progress targets have been set for two indicators:
- Pay gap indicator: to achieve a score of 35/40, compared with 33/40 to date.
- Ten highest-paid employees indicator: achieve a score of 5/10, compared with 0/10 to date.